

Interactive design services

Multimedia provides different methods of communication and multiple touch points for your audience. Clearly it is not a single execution but rather a strategy that reinforces and enhances the brand experience by using a wealth of media opportunities to make the brand message pervasive and easy to recall.

The magic of interactivity is the information you recEIve.

All web sites are interactive. The user does something and something else happens. But the smoother and smarter that exchange is the more interactive it becomes. Engaging your clients or potential clients is one of the keys to success on the web.

Smart design is great but the best part of the interactivity whether slick, entertaining or just plain HTML your customer can communicate with you on a variety of levels that you can bank on. It's called information. In what other type of medium can you get immediate feedback as well as a targeted campaign directly to your target market?

What's not interactive?

Television, print design, or radio is not interactive. These shotgun approaches can only give you building brand equity.

For an interactive advertising campaign to be truly effective, just like chewing gum to be fun, it should at least contain one or at the very least a combination of the following elements:

  • Use of multiple media
  • An opportunity for the user to opt-in
  • A means for personalization
  • Story telling
  • Include a compelling offer
  • An immersive experience
  • An intuitive and user-friendly experience
  • A strategy for effective ROI
  • An understanding that the user may manipulate the brand
  • A provision for a "send to a friend" option -- a.k.a., virality

    And remember (as I store my gum behind my ear) -- if you make it sticky, they'll always come back for more.

    From creative online advertising, SEO, SEM to setting up Yahoo, and Google AdSense or Google AdWords for your internet objectives let WMOADV do the work for you. Contact us about custom packages to fit your needs.